thirty days: second edition

Friday, March 12, 2010

the consequences of the weekend.

So, i haven't made a post in about a week.
BUT, that does not mean I'm not keeping up these Thirty Days!
I've diligently swam, not chewed gum, and done some nice things.
I would say the highlights were:
  • buying my friend their dinner before a concert for their birthday (& it wasn't McDonald's either!)
  • making a cake for this kid in my classes birthday AND i don't really know him at all. He probably thinks I'm cuckoo.
  • spending an extra hour and a half at internship (after completing my seventy hours), so Denise (my supervisor's assistant) could go to her hip hop dance class
  • taking care of the house last night because my mom's out of town (laundry, dog walk, dog feeding, dad's dinner b/c he's hopeless when it comes to making a dinner, the works, etc.)

Well, that's just a few but my brain is experiencing a momentary glitch. As usual?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

day three.

Interesting day so far. Woke up, went down stairs and had some cereal and hemp milk (No THC & no lactose!), realized I had an extra two hours before I had to go to school, went up stairs to do some laundry, fell asleep on top of said laundry, woke up exactly 12 minutes before when I was supposed to be at school.

This means that I basically slept from 11:30 last night till 10:30 today.
As a result, I feel awesome!

  • My nice thing was letting my friend borrow a bowling pin I just so happen to have for AP 3D. Trust me, this was a very nice thing. That bowling pin is quite valuable to me.
  • And, I haven't chewed gum yet either. But, I had veggie pizza for lunch and and I really, really, really, really want to go home and brush my teeth. I can't stand that taste in your mouth right after eating.
  • And I definitely plan on swimming later. I quite enjoyed it yesterday! I think it's helping my knee out.

That's all.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

day two.

swim. check.
no gum. check.
nice thing. check.

all is a go!

for my nice thing today, I was planning on walking my dog for my mom without her having to ask me to. alas, that didn't work out that well seeing how she beat me home. so, i had to go to plan b which was pack my dad a lunch for tommorow. i put a nice note in as well. sometimes, i'm a good kid.

oh! swimming was quite an experience today too thanks to the weather. my bathing suit was slightly damp from yesterday, and froze in the car today. putting on a frozen swimsuit is so much fun, let me tell you.


I smell slightly like chlorine, and it's only been one day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

day one.

First day! And, Holly and Blake haven't posted on their blogs. Slackers.
Any who, I managed to accomplish all my objectives.
  1. I did not chew gum: Idid brush my teeth after lunch because I really wanted to taste mint.
  2. I did one nice thing: I gave my fricking $32 dollar college guide to a junior in need.
  3. I swam for thirty minutes: I almost didn't think I could do this one. I spent about 40 minutes trying to find my bathing suit. Turns out it was behind the dryer! I have no idea how it got there.

And, I did all of this on 4 hours of sleep + Internship + Running Around Trying to find a Post Office near Internship (Not Successful) + AP 3D Art Project.

The project kind of sucks, but it had no future anyways.

My goal for tommorow is to get to the gym and be swimming before 9:30 P.M.

P.S. Yesterday, the day before the first official day, I chewed an entire pack and a half of gum. Orbit Sweet Mint & Berry Five Gum I will miss you dearly.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I am doing this purely out of the desire to get Holly to stop nagging me. And, also, just to test my own will power. For thirty days, beginning March 1st, I plan on doing the following things everyday.

1. Swim for 30 minutes everyday
2. Don’t chew gum
3. Do one nice thing for someone everyday (and no telling)

If I mess up, I have to wear a dress to school which I have never done before and would hate to do.

About Me

"All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism". - My Grandpa
